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Microphone with clip and an external
speaker - microphone for wire recorder
Minifon P55. The
diameter of the connector 5 mm. They were produced from
1955 to 1960 in Germany.
Photos can be enlarged
Microphone, also known as the external
speaker, the voice recorder
Dictaphone Dictet.
Produced in
50 - 60-ies in SSCHA. There is a lock switch on. Without
a microphone recorder is not included. Connector
pyatishtyrkovy. Microphones also issued with a button
remote control, which was provided for the inclusion of
a chain lock.
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Such microphones in different versions
were widely used with portable recorders 60-ies. Dynamic
microphone has a switch to remotely activate and
additional connector. Cover for microphone was supplied
to the recorder
Juliette LT-44.

The original cassette tape to a series of
Mohawk Midgetape.
These recorders were made in 50 - 60-ies, and were
considered the first portable tape recorders Battery.
Case cassettes metal. Coils located one above the other.
Use tape width 1/4 inches. Dimensions 87 x 80 x 20 mm.
Weight 200 g. They were made tapes of 1 and 1.5 hours of
recording. In 50-ies such a tape recording for 1 hour
cost $ 11.50, and at 1.5 hours of recording - $ 13.50.
Tape to tape recorder
Grundig DeJur Versatile III.
Performed in 60-ies in Germany. Dimensions 133 x 60 x 15
mm. Coil diameter 46 mm (1.8 inches) can hold the tape
width ¼ inch by 20 minutes of recording.

tape recorder to Dictaphone Dictet Recorder. Produced in
the United States by "Dictaphone corp. New York "in the
second half of the 50-ies. Dimensions 143 x 79 x 11 mm.
Weight 160 g. body cassettes metal, cast aluminum, which
are located inside the coil with tape, and metal. Belt
width ¼ inch. On one side of the tape can be done 30
minutes of recording at a speed of 6.3 cm / sec. Worth
it at the time $ 8.75.

Tape to
Micro-Pack 35,
Channel Master 6546, and Westinghouse, which were
produced in 60-ies in Japan. Coils in the cassette are
located one above the other, and have a rubber coating
on the sides facing each other. When the cassette is
inserted into a tape recorder, the motor shaft is
between them and the other rotates the coil to which it
is pressed at the moment. Dimensions tape 74 x 67 x 28
mm, belt width ¼ inch.

with a wire to the recorder series
Minifon Protona.
We used wire thickness 0,05 and 0,038 mm. At the coil
diameter of 44 mm fit wire (0.038 mm) for 5 hours, at a
speed of 23 cm / sec. Sales were coil, calculated at
different times of recording, from 1 to 5 hours, with
different amounts of wire. They were produced in 50 -
60-ies in Germany.

heads to the wire recorders
Minifon Protona
Minifon P55

Pico-cassette recorder to
Dictaphone Model 4250.
Manufactured in Japan
since 1985. Dimensions 36 x 25 x 4,5 mm. Band width of
about 2 mm. The recording time on one side - 30 minutes
at a speed of 0.9 cm / sec.

New, unused reel magnetic tape in the
box, the production company "Western-Chicago
Corporation", USA. 5 inch diameter reel. The exact date
of manufacture is not known, but that is probably
50-ies. The box is marked W/C-1951.
Accessories for portable
tape recorder to the Japanese 60-ies,
carrying case, strap, connection cable, headset, and
unused sealed battery 9 v. Battery and tape made by
"Global Mfg. Co. ".

unused spools of tape in the original plastic box to a
portable tape recorder to the Japanese
Telmar T-100.
Coil diameter 47 mm (1.8
inches) can hold the tape for 40 minutes of recording.
Produced in the 60's.

Module output amplifier
with the speaker "Transistorized power amplifier 402, a
portable tape recorder
Mohawk Midgetape
Produced in 50 - 60-ies in the United States by
"Mohawk business machines corp. Brooklyn 33. N.Y. "

Battery T50, produce
special for portable tape recorders
Mohawk Midgetape
Markings voltage
and polarity are absent. Likely voltage - 10,5 v.
Dimensions 63 x 58 x 45 mm, weight 380 g. were produced
in 50 - 60-ies in the United States.

Mercury Batteries Mallory Duracell type
ZM-9 (AA). Voltage 1,4 v. Made in the USA. Production of
mercury batteries has long ceased, but earlier on
energy, they were analogous to modern alkaline
batteries. Date of manufacture, unfortunately absent.

Alkaline batteries 80-ies
such as C.

Dynamic Microphone "Oktava MD-47". Made
in 1971 in the USSR. While such microphones were almost
in every house. It consists of a dynamic capsule and
transformer. The resistance of the secondary winding of
920 ohms. The design of reliable, high quality assembly.
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