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Minifon P55
L Portable
lamp wire recorder. Made in Germany in 1960 by "Protona
GmbH"; Hamburg. This model was produced from 1955 to
1960, and this modification, the latter after 1957.
Dimensions recorder 177 x 102 x 42 mm. Weight
690 g
without batteries. Housing cast from magnesium alloy.As the magnetic carrier used wire
from a special magnetic alloy with a diameter 0,05 mm or
0,038 mm. Coil diameter 44 mm can hold the wire diameter
0,038 mm for 5 hours at a speed of 20 cm / sec (model
L). They also produced a model of S, at a speed of 34 cm
/ sec, and a coil with different amounts of wire.
Mechanics of the recorder is rather complicated, and
made with real German quality. Everything was thought
out so well that even in the later, the transistor model
Special”, it is used almost without changes.
More mechanics is described on page
Protona Special”. Circuit collected on three
subminiature vacuum tube type XFW40 (2 pcs), XFY54 (1
pc), in connection with which to supply the required
three different voltages. Engine 6 - 12 v, the anode
voltage - 30 v, filament voltage - 1,5 v. The engine has
electromechanical stabilization speed. On the shaft of
the engine is a centrifugal regulator. Electric
stabilizer consists of several parts, one of which - a
diode protection for the engine. Active element of the
stabilizer is a miniature incandescent lamp. As an accessory to recorders made Minifon
desktop speakers with an amplifier, combining the
functions as a microphone and transmitter for
non-contact recording from the telephone. For more
details about their designs on the pages can be
and Minifon
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Demonstration of
Photos can be enlarged
On the inner side of the housing cover glued brief
instruction in German. It is knownthat the modelP55in 1955sold for$289.50,
which was at that timea considerable amountof money. All models Minifon were very
popular, used by special services, and successfully sold
in 80 countries. For recorders in this series were
issued special spy accessories, such as a microphone,
under the camouflage watches, a device for recording
telephone conversations, a miniature microphone with a
clip, and other accessories.
Included with the tape recorder I got the
original external speaker - microphone and a miniature
microphone with a clip. Connector for connection of the
right of the control keys. The diameter of the connector
is not standard, - 5 mm. To the left of the keyboard is
an external power connector, and above them the counter
flow wire. Unlike “Protona Special”
volume control - the recording level is on the left, and
the turnout voltage and LED indicator lamp hitch -
right. The device was bought complete with an external
speaker, microphone, specification, and a wonderful
leather bag shoulder mount. Now the unit is in working
Miniature crystal
microphone, which I got bundled with the device.
The device came to me in perfect cosmetic
form, but not working. The factory seal appeared the
whole, over the past years, it is not opened.
During the unit head moves up - down uniformly laying
wire on the coil. In combination with good stabilization
of the rotational speed of the engine, it allows to
minimize the distortion of records associated with the
unstable speed wire. There hitchhiking. When the coil
wire ends, she pressed the lever is released. This
lever, in turn, presses the power circuit breaker,
located under the coil. When firing hitch red signal
lamp lights.
The firstautopsy
revealed thateverything insideis preserved inperfect condition, not
including rubber
parts. Belt from time turned into
something like clay, and I had to literally scrub away
from the engine and flywheel. Also completely damaged
tires on the movies for a rewind. In the second, large
roller, rubber was in good condition. Incidentally, the
same picture I saw and the recorder
“Protona Special”.
It was destroyed the same spot. In a large rubber
roller, and then indented, where it was pressed to the
flywheel. Hide this dent was with a small section of
wire, stuck in the rubber under the dent. Mechanics was not
worn, and the reason was soon discovered. Was broken
brake rod, made in the form of steel wire of about 5 cm
long.Apparently, this draft was
broken at a time when the recorder was still almost new,
and for some reason do not have to repair, but simply
put on the shelf.
the right is an enlarged photo wire stuck in the rubber
under the dent. Wire raised rubber, and completely
leveled hump.
Get an old machine in such good condition, very lucky. I urge
repaired, belt replaced, but instead destroyed rubber
on the roller, put on his rubber ring. In this form the
mechanics properly earned. Electronics has been
completely serviceable, but the input electrolytic
capacitor I replaced all the same. Had trouble only with the power of the anode.
Type battery 413 with a voltage 30 v now difficult to
find. Therefore had to make their own
design from two batteries of 12 v, and a 6 v. To power
the glow of lamps came AA batteries, and the engine
battery 9 v, type PP3. From 9 v engine is working
properly, as the range of his power is in the range of 6
v to 12 v.
28 v
battery type Mallopy RM-413
On the left the original mercury battery
1,4 v types Mallory Duracell ZM-9 (AA). Made in the USA.
On the original photo on the right batteries for 12 v
engine recorders Minifon.
A set of original batteries "Pertrix" for recorders Minifon P55
photo homemade batteries 30 v and 12 v. Right recorder
with new batteries in the collection.
Power supply 12 v to type recorders
Below you cansee pictures ofthe internal structure ofMinifon P55
from different angles
Operating Instructions
Minifon P55 (1957 - 1960)
Electrical circuitMinifon P55
L. Photo from the book
by Roland Shellin "Minifon The Spy in Your Pocket", (Roland
Schellin, "Minifon Der spion in der
Minifon P55 L specification obtained with
the device