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P55 L Portable lamp wire recorder. Made in
Germany by "Protona GmbH"; Hamburg. Recorders Minifon
P55 produced from 1955 to 1960, but this unit was made
apparently in 1957. It is a transitional model between
the first series of the type recorders
Minifon P55 "Plexi",
who had a plastic body, and later
Minifon P55,
manufactured in the magnesium alloy. The machine used in
the construction of "Plexi" and magnesium alloy body
from later versions of P55. Go to the metal housing
occurred in 1957.It is knownthat the MinifonP55in 1955sold for$289.50.
Dimensions of the recorder 177 x 102 x 40 mm. Weight
650g without batteries. As the magnetic media used wire
from a special magnetic alloy with a diameter of 0.05 mm
or 0.038 mm. Wiring is collected on three subminiature
radio tubes (see the wiring diagram at the bottom), and
therefore the power required for three different
voltages. Engine 6 - 12 v, the anode voltage - 30 v,
filament - 1,5 v. The engine has an electromechanical
speed stabilization. On the shaft of the engine is a
centrifugal regulator. Electric stabilizer consists of
several parts, one of which - the diode engine
protection. The active element of the stabilizer is a
miniature light bulb. During operation, the block head
moves up - down, putting wire evenly on the spool.
Combined with good stabilization of the rotational speed
of the engine, it helps to minimize distortion of
records related to the unstable rate of the wire. There
is a hitch-hiking. When the coil wire ends, it pressed
the lever is released. This lever, in turn, presses the
power circuit breaker, located beneath the coil. When
triggered, auto-stop turns red indicator light.
The internal construction of the Minifon P55 L is
markedly different from the later models
P55, but repeats the
design of early Minifon "Plexi". In particular, as in
the "Plexi",
plug the external power launched into the side wall of
the body, and bearing shaft mounted reel table directly
into a plastic deck. All the details can be seen by
comparing the photo of this unit with more recent models
in the pages of Minifon
P55 and Minifon
Protona Special. There you can read the other
information on these recorders. Externally, the device is preserved very well. Inside,
all was well in place, not counting the fact that old
age is completely destroyed Belts and tires roll fast.
mechanics,replacing therubber belt
and rubberrollerrewind, the unit
works well.
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On the left is seen the external power
plug all of the side wall of the housing
On the left is visible
from the demolished old tires roll fast and
well-preserved main roller of large diameter. It is
interesting that this defect is present in all my
existing machines Minifon. Everywhere was destroyed
rubber roller rewind, but in excellent condition was the
main rubber roller of large diameter. In the
photo on the right installed a new rubber belt and
rubber roller is replaced by fast.
In the photo at the bottom of the speed
selector. Left switch in the increased speed for
recording music, and the right-lapse recording speech.
As an accessory to recorders made Minifon
desktop speakers with an amplifier, combining the
functions as a microphone and transmitter for
non-contact recording from the telephone. For more
details about their designs on the pages can be Minifon
and Minifon
The original batteries for recorders
Wiring diagram and
specification Minifon P55. Photos from the book
by Roland Shellin "Minifon
Spy in your pocket", (Roland
Schellin, "Minifon
Der spion in der tasche").