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Hi-Fi (1961 - 1967). The latest model of portable
recorders Minifon series of "Protona GmbH"; Hamburg, and
after 1962 - "Telefunken", Germany. At the same time
(1960 - 1967) produced a similar design to the model
Minifon Attache
with a simplified circuit diagram. In a
recorder, rewind on both sides, the dial gauge the level
of power, volume and level of writing and with
indication of hitchhiking trip. Hitchhiking is an
original design. To properly install the cassette in the
deck, there are two guide pins, which are also contacts
hitchhiking. The magnetic tape at the beginning and end
of a metallic coating, which closes the contacts, and
hitchhiking trips. At the same time the red light is lit,
which is located in the box to the right of the keys.
Pinch roller, capstan, versatile and erase head, covered
with decorative covers. Next to the plus terminal of the
battery cover acts as a lever by which the tape is fed
to the permanent magnet. With its help. You can quickly
erase the record (both tracks at once) during the
winding process.
Structures Minifon Hi-Fi and
Minifon Attache
almost identical. Some additional information about
these recorders can be found at
Minifon Attache.
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After 1962, inthe United
States on the label in the box between minifon &
Hi-Fi could be placed logo"ITT".
Photos can be enlarged
The recorder is turned off when
the button "Stop" is pressed until it locks. Rewind is
activated when you click on "Rewind". Reproduction in if
you press and release the "Listen". This button does not
commit, and when it is turned off you lock all the
buttons. That is, play on, when you do not press any of
the buttons. Hold the button "Listen" in the down state
includes fast forward. Pressing "Record" includes a fix
to the recording mode. Wiring collected at 11
transistors. Four transistor amplifier is used in a
generic, three in the stabilizer motor speed, the
generator 2 in erasing a power amplifier in the
stabilizer, and one as a key management hitchhiking.The
bandwidth of frequencies, 40 - 12 000 Hz. The apparatus
consists of a molded body, and inserted into a deck,
which is available all the mechanics and electronics.
The board is connected to the amplifier electronics deck
with desyatikontaktnogo connector and secured to it with
two screws.
This unit was manufactured in 1962, as
indicated by a red stamp on the cardboard inside
As an accessory to recorders made Minifon
desktop speakers with an amplifier, combining the
functions as a microphone and transmitter for
non-contact recording from the telephone. For more
details about their designs on the pages can be MinifonAttache-Speaker and
For recorders Minifon made a lot of
accessories. Here are some of them
the photo at the bottom right miniature microphone with
clip for attaching to clothing
The original batteries 12 v for the type
recorders Minifon
On the left of the original design of the
battery 12 v
Unlike previous models, write to
the wire in Minifon Hi-Fi uses a compact tape cassette
with a standard width of 1/4 inches. This model began
producing in 1961, and still continued to manufacture
the latest version of the wire, Minifon Protona Special.
In 1962, "Protona GmbH" has become part of the company "Telefunken",
and until 1967 Minifon Hi-Fi produced under the brand
name "ITT". As design complexity Minifon Hi-Fi surpasses
all previous models Minifon, all existing at that time
recorders in the world. It is a real marvel of
engineering and manufacturing technology of the time.
Dimensions of the recorder 177 x 102 x 42 mm. Weight
without batteries 800 grams, power supply 12 v, a
special battery, which has no modern analogues. Original
cartridge has dimensions of 110 x 78 x 11.5 mm and
weighs in '50 produced cassettes, designed for 1 hour (2
x 30 minutes), ½ hour (2 x 15 minutes) and 12 (2 x 6)
minutes of recording time . The recorder has got me in great
cosmetic condition, but not intact. Since I already have
a similar defective
Minifon Attache, this unit, I decided not to repair.
Wiring diagram and specification Minifon
Hi-Fi. Photos from the book by Roland Shellin "Minifon Spy in
your pocket", (Roland Schellin, "Minifon Der spion in der tasche")
Operating Instructions
Minifon Hi-Fi
A photo is lower, a price
and the prospectus to recorder Minifon Hi-Fi. The given
model differs from
Attache more complex electrocircuit on 11
transistors, providing a passband of frequencies 40 -
12000 Hz. They were made with 1961 for 1967