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Vesna-309 (Весна 309).
Soviet tape recorder in 1988 release.
Get me in perfect condition, a friend gave. If the
device once, and enjoyed, then a little, it is
practically new. However, one defect has been. All these
years he was kept from clicking the play button. As a
result of prolonged pressure on pinch roller
capstan, the
last little bit bent. I had to replace it.
Dimensions recorder 365 x
183 x 85 mm. Weight 2,7 kg. Meals on the passport of 9 v,
but is used 7 batteries А343 (C). There is also a
built-in AC power supply. Technical parameters apparatus
is quite decent. Operating frequency range using tape on
the basis of chromium dioxide, 40 - 12 500 Hz. Relative
noise level of -55 dB. Total harmonic distortion, not
more than 4%. Output power 1 watt. All controls are at
the top of the enclosure. There are volume controls,
recording level, and two tone controls, LF and HF. There
also are buttons activate squelch and select the type of
tape Cr - Fe. On the front panel are turnout indicator,
tape counter, and the indicator light. Kinematics is
quite full, with two flywheels spinning in opposite
directions. Interestingly,
belts were absolutely normal, and not have to change
them. Circuit that time was quite modern. The amplifier
uses transistors KT3102, KT3107 and chips K157UD2,
K174UN7. The generator is made on the chip erase
K157HP2. Engine BDS-0,14M, quite
complex in itself, has a feature-rich and control unit.
When I get the ball rolling apparatus for the audit, it
was still sealed. Unfortunately, the photograph is not
disrupted by the factory seal failed. What I saw inside,
I was pleased. Everything was done very carefully, and
assembling my comments to be found. However, the quality
of the PCB took me back to reality, the machine still
was made in the USSR. Nevertheless, the recorder works
fine, sound good, or what problems there. This is
exactly the case when the appearance of the worse
domestic content.
Photos can be enlarged
Compact Cassette MK 60-5, made in 1990 in
the USSR. At that time the price printed on the goods,
and on that tape, too, is the price - 4 rubles.

Manual and Electric circuit Vesna-309 (Весна

Electric circuit - Figure
Electric circuit - Figure
Electric circuit - Figure
Electric circuit - Figure
Electric circuit - Figure
Electric circuit - Figure
Electric circuit - Figure
Electric circuit - Figure
Electric circuit - Figure
