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FED-5V (ÔÝÄ-5â).
Soviet rangefinder camera. Produced by Kharkov
machine-building production association "FED" from 1975
to 1990. The camera is different from previous models
lack the exposure meter and a glowing box with
parallactic marks. The presence of focal-plane shutter
provides testing of extracts from 1 s to 1 / 500 sec.
The camera is completely mechanical. Metering is
performed only with the help of external exposure.
Viewfinder eyepiece allows for a small range focus,
depending on the view.
Standard lens - Industar-61 L / d 1:2,8 53 mm.
The shutter provides the following conclusions: 1 / 500,
1 / 250, 1 / 125, 1 / 60, 1 / 30, 1 / 15, 1 / 8, 1 / 4,
1 / 2, 1, B - a slow shutter speed.
Type of emulsion used - film type 135 in the cassette.
Frame size - 24 × 36 mm.
The drive is rewinding the film and cocking the shutter
- manual.
The frame counter will automatically reset when you open
the back cover of the camera.
Self-timer - a mechanical one.
Threaded tripod socket - 1 / 4 ".
Photos can be enlarged
