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Portable Recorder - a toy. Produced in Japan in the
early 60's. Dimensions 160 x 64
x 40 mm. Weight
350 g.
Power motor 1,5 v, two AA batteries connected in
parallel, the power wiring 9 v, battery type PP3.
Housing plastic. Kinematics of simple, on one engine,
without stabilization of speed. The engine is located
horizontally between reel tables, and the shaft,
acting on both sides of the engine, rotates either one
or the other rubberized reel table. Coil diameter 45
mm (1.75 inches) can hold the reel 10 minutes of work.
Circuit collected at 2-type transistors 2SB75. There is
one connector jack (3,5 mm) to connect the microphone
and earpiece. The volume control there, and erase head
is used instead of a permanent magnet. Nevertheless,
despite the simplicity of design, the machine makes a
good impression, and appearance, and quality of work. It
really can be used as a voice recorder.
It is also known for
producing a replica Tinico named Electra 707 Candid.
Perhaps there were other names. Electron 52D. (Version on radio tubes)Soviet copy Tinico. Performed in Poltava in 1968,
or 1967. The exact date of commencement of production
has not yet been set. Operating Instructions began
printing in 1967, and the earliest known instance of the
recorder with the serial number 037 dated January 1968. Of course this is not an exact copy Tinico,
there are minor differences, and even some improvement.
For example, in the winding of the motor is fed 3 v, and
recording - playing a 1,5 V, but Tinico always 1,5 v.
Circuit collected at three transistors (GT109A - 2 pcs,
GT108A - 1 pc), without transformers. Slightly changed
dimensions - 160 x 67 x 44 mm, and the case became more
angular. Weight has not changed - 370 g. The quality of
manufacture of our apparatus is not worse than the
Japanese, and works, I think, even better. Produced as more complex analogues of the recorder under
the names Monacor,
"Elektra 770", "Star-lite Pocket Mate".
On the surface, and structurally they are similar, but
in the past has a built-in speaker, speed of the engine,
and volume control.
These were not the only very small toy
tape recorders that were produced at that time.For example, "Minipex" from the collection
of Roland Schellin, who shared with me these photos.But this device,
unlike Tinico and others like it, looks really more like
a toy.
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Tinico was bought in working condition. It turned out
the old batteries, which also pose a collector's
interest. Electron 52D was purchased in Russia, and in working condition.
It took just spinning the engine by hand to re-establish
contact with the oxides of carbon brushes contact the
ease of comparison, both sets of structures, in the left
column Tinico, and to the right lectron
Photos can be enlarged
Tinico designed to work with piezoceramic
headset. Electron 52D - dynamic headphones.
Manual and circuit voice recorder
Electron 52D kindly provided by a collector and amateur
Andrew Sologubov (RV3DOI).
The electrical circuit and the
specification of the recorder Electron 52D
Above I told about the existing
dictaphone, and now I propose to present such a recorder
on the radio tubes
Tube recorder "Electron 52D"
Several times I watched in the discussion forums on
whether there could be in 1945 portable tube recorders
like "Tinico". The answer in all cases is one, such a
dictaphone then could not be created because at that
time there were no technologies for creating three main
components -
1. Miniature electric motors
2. The electronic circuit of the necessary sizes
3. Small anodic and filament batteries, as well as
battery power to the engine It seemed interesting to
me to understand whether the technology was really that
bad then. Since I have been interested in old portable
equipment for a long time, something I already knew, and
I had no doubts about the 2 and 3 points, such
technologies at that time were. Already in the early
portable hearing aids were manufactured on the
ultra-miniature radio tubes CK502AX, CK505AX and similar
pentodes. At that time, there was also a technology for
manufacturing printed circuitry on a ceramic (steatite)
substrate with screen printing of the appropriate paint
of silver tracks and resistors, as well as using
open-frame capacitors. During the war, these
technologies were secret, but already in 1947 a congress
on printing circuit technologies was held in the United
States. In the report of this congress, the serial
technologies already worked out at that time are
presented, see for yourself -
Report here. By this
technology, very compact schemes were made, partly
similar to modern schemes with SMD elements. I will add
that such complications were not at all obligatory, and
a simple scheme could easily be assembled on the element
base of hearing aids. Batteries similar to modern AA (click on the link) and
compact anode batteries were also available already in
the early 40's, and confirmation of this can be found
here -
Link to the museum of hearing aids and batteries
to them. For example, such
batteries with a voltage of
22.5 v fit perfectly (click on the link), they were
patented in 1942. Most likely at that time, as a
magnetic carrier, wire would be chosen for reasons of
increasing the recording time. However, we are
considering the possibility of creating an analogue of Tinico or Electron 52D, that is, we take for granted the
use of a magnetic tape, and accordingly a short
recording time, only about 10 minutes. In this vein, the
issue of batteries gets an additional "plus", because
for 10 minutes there would be enough and not very
technological batteries, the main thing that they were
small. In general, now I'm talking about commercially
produced batteries, but nothing hindered them from
making them on a special order of the right size. For
example, if you optimize the design of the battery
compartment, there will be room for larger batteries, 5
to 10 mm longer and 3 mm thicker. By the way, as a
reserve argument, the same Wikipedia reports that the
technology of manufacturing "dry" mercury batteries for
military use appeared as early as 1942. I did not find
the 42-year patent on this subject, but I found patents
for "dry" mercury batteries of the 43rd year -
Patent #:
US002473546, S. Ruben, and the 44th year -
Patent #:
US002526692, S. Ruben, That is also suitable. Little magnetic
heads under the tape at that time probably did not have
any place to use, but in principle they could make
smaller copies of the ones already available. Probably
they would be of inferior quality, but still they would
work. By the way in "Electron 52D" there is a head
almost the size of a stationary tape recorder, there is
enough space there. There remains a problem
with small engines. In this regard, skeptics say that
such engines were learned to do only at the turn of the
1940s and 1950s because before that time there were no
magnets with the necessary properties. However, if you
look again at the
Wikipedia, it says that a breakthrough
in magnetic technologies occurred in the 30's, and in
the early 40's a powerful magnetic alloy Alnico already
appeared. From 1943 to 1951, there was no technological
breakthrough in this area
(click on the link), which
means that what they did in the 50th could be done in
the 44th. The truth is that in the 44-m there was
probably no necessary industrial production. However, if
the US government were interested in such a dictaphone,
its development should have been taken seriously. That
is, for such a small-series spy device, such magnets
with the necessary properties could probably be made, at
least in small amounts in the laboratory. The very
design of the engine is primitive, and there were no
difficulties in manufacturing for that time.
Summarizing, we can say that all the necessary
technologies for the manufacture of a tube
analog "Tinico"
by 1945 were already there. There were not only
engineers who would connect them in the same
construction. Historically, the miniaturization of
technology has progressed gradually, and the first
serial portable Tube Recorder
Minifon Mi51 (1951) was
about 2 times larger than the "Tinico". Perhaps the
designers were not ready to step psychologically from
huge stationary tape recorders to portable spy recorders
like "Tinico". It should also be borne in mind that we
are talking about the designers of enthusiasts from
private companies, since seriously, at the state level,
none at all has dealt with this. Why this happened, the
question is still open. By
the way, such designs were collected even by radio
amateurs, for example, in the magazine RADIO-CRAFT in
1946 an amateur design of a portable receiver on the
radio tubes CK505AX and CK506AX using compact batteries
about which I wrote above is shown.
Description of the receiver with the electrical diagram
and pictures can be viewed here.
Next, I thought that it would be nice to implement this
design, not created in the 40s, I decided to make "Electron
52D" with a tube
electronic circuit. It was not difficult at all to do
this, as for the basis I took a simple and already
verified diagram of the recorder
"Mohawk Midgetape 44".
By the way, this recorder uses the
module of the
amplifier of the company "Centralab"
since 1945 using the technology of printed circuits on a
ceramic (steatite) substrate, which I mentioned above.
My circuit works no worse than transistor, you can even
use a speaker instead of an earpiece.
When studying the battery
issue, I made a self-made battery of 30 V from
manganese-zinc elements, also of my own making. The
construction of elements of 1.5 v is shown in the photo
below. The anode current of my amplifier at 30 v is
about 0.9 mA, and this battery will last for more than
14 hours of confident operation. I conducted this
experiment to make sure that such batteries can be made
even at home, and even more so could they be made by
Americans who in 1945 had already created an atomic bomb.
I am considering American technologies, since they were
then allies of the USSR, and such a recorder could be
turned over for use as much as other military equipment.
I will add that the circuit operates normally and at an
anode voltage of 22 v, it works at 15 v, and even at 9
v, but in the latter case it is already bad. Serially
produced then
batteries of 22.5 V would fit perfectly in
size, and in tension.
In the photo above, the wires to the board are not yet
soldered, and in the photo below it can be seen that all
the spikes on the switches are original, covered with
green lacquer. I was able to adapt the wiring to the new
circuit so that all visible soldering remained untouched.
After the end of the work, the photo session, and the
shooting of the demo video, I will return the design to
its original state with the original transistor circuit
without any trace of my intervention.
During the tuning process, it was
necessary to achieve correct generation of the output
stage at a frequency of 12 kHz to magnetize the head. To
do this, we had to shield the circuit from above and
1 and 2 cascades of the
amplifier are made on the original tubes CK505AX "Raytheon"
those same years, perhaps even the 40-ies. In the power
amplifier, I used a 5672 "RTC" tube since the original
weekend pentodes of that time were hard to find. This is
a later analog of the CK502AX and similar tubes. In the
photo on the right, the
module of the "Mohawk Midgetape
44" recorder amplifier of "Centralab" company
manufactured using the technology of printed circuits on
the ceramic substrate, about which I mentioned above,
the dimensions of the ceramic plate is 25 x 24 mm.
Similar modules for "consumer goods" began to be
produced in 1945, (the same in PDF) and during the war,
this technology produced modules for military use. By
the way, they have a double-sided print, silver tracks,
resistors of current-conducting ink, and capacitors are
open-frame. So my board with SMD elements can not be
considered more technological, in my opinion the technology "Centralab" is much steeper. However, as I
already wrote above, such a simple scheme could easily
be assembled and on simple details, as in hearing aids.
The photo below shows an external speaker
for demonstrating the operation of the recorder. For
ease of use, I placed the speaker in a plastic box from
the light filter. It sounds so mini speaker is pretty
nasty, but loud, and the recorded voice is clear and
legible, which is required from the recorder.
A homemade 30 V battery is easy to make, but patience
and accuracy are needed. Elements of 1.5 v consist of
zinc plates with paper impregnated with electrolyte,
frames forming the body, a mixture with MnO2, and a
carbon fiber veil pasted from above to prevent the
mixture from splashing. Carbon veil is useful only for
handicraft, in the industrial process, it would not be
needed. Zinc plates and a mixture I took from cheap
batteries such as PP3, and cut out frames from large SIM
cards. New elements are obtained with a voltage of 1.6 v,
but a small capacity. The short-circuit current of the
freshly prepared element is about 150 mA. At a current
of 1 mA, the discharge to 1.3 V occurs in about 14 hours.
In the photo below all the components of the structure
and the element in assembled form. The thickness of the
element is 1.4 mm. My battery is made up of 20 elements,
but in fact the battery compartment can hold a battery
with a large number of elements, up to 30 pieces, that
is, with a voltage of up to 45 v. When using a 45 V
battery, the current consumption increases to 1.5 mA,
and the volume accordingly increases.
The electric diagram of the tube recorder
"Electron 52D"
Demo video
I tried to explain
everything basic as short as possible, but for those who
are not too lazy to read more, I will add my thoughts on
why all the same, with all the necessary technologies,
portable dictaphones were not created by the mid-1940s.
I think the reason is the lack of order from the state.
Apparently, for some reason, the secret services did not
demand such a technique from their governments, maybe
they did not know that it could be created, or there
were some other considerations.
In any case, an order from the government for portable
spy audio equipment for a long time was not. Even the
first truly portable dictaphone
"Minifon Mi51" (1951)
was created in an initiative order in semi-domestic
conditions. He was created by engineer Willi Draheim
with the financial support of another enthusiast N.
Monske, and later he was also a private company "Monske
& Co. GmbH". Dictaphone was a huge success, everyone was
surprised at this miniaturization, the secret services
also showed interest, and began to use them. Changes in
the government's attitude towards this issue became
visible after the appearance in 1955 of the following
"Minifon P55". This can be judged by the fact that
open publications about the design of these recorders
have disappeared. It is probably then the work in this
direction began to be financed by the state. If it had
happened before. Then the development of this topic
would begin earlier and much more intensively.
That is, I mean that the result depends on the
seriousness of the approach. If, for example, in 1944
the US government was seriously interested in creating a
portable voice recorder, it would be quickly created
with all the necessary components, motors, heads, etc.,
and much better quality than the tube Electron 52D. Once
again, I recall that the atomic bomb was created already
in the 45th precisely because it was very necessary.
True, it was not created from ready-made technologies,
but on the contrary, many new technologies were created
specifically for this project. You can certainly say
that comparing the atomic bomb with a dictaphone is not
correct, but then we can give an example and simpler,
for example, radio detonators for projectiles (Radio
Proximity Fuze 1943). There, too, there were many
problems, but they quickly decided, because it was very
Read how serious was the approach to their
development. By the way, in the USSR
such a state order appeared earlier, as Soviet spies
used the same "Minifon Mi51, P55", and it was necessary
to arrange the production of domestic special equipment.
Perhaps that is why the USSR later became the leader in
this field, and unsurpassed samples of audio special
equipment were created, for example, the wire recorder "Liliput",
which had no analogues in the world. I will add that I
made my conclusions on the basis of public information,
something I may not know, and accordingly I can make